He or she can also teach you how to do it on yourself. Your physical therapist may perform scar tissue massage and mobilization to help improve the mobility of your scar. Scar tissue: If you have had an ORIF procedure to reduce your Colles' fracture, there will likely be scar tissue that has developed around the surgical incision.In children, they occur more often in males whereas they are more common in females in the older population. Your physical therapist can provide you with various treatments and modalities to help decrease the swelling and pain. Distal radius fractures are usually the result of a fall on an outstretched hand. They tend to be more common in paediatric and elderly populations.

Pain and swelling: After a Colles' fracture, you may experience pain and swelling around your wrist and hand.It is commonly called a broken wrist in spite of the fact that the distal radius is the location of the fracture, not the carpal bones of the wrist. Again, you may be required to perform exercises at home to get the best results from physical therapy. A true Colles Fracture is a complete fracture of the radius bone of the forearm close to the wrist resulting in an upward (posterior) displacement of the radius and obvious deformity. Exercises that focus on hand, wrist and elbow strength may be prescribed. Mechanism: fall onto the dorsum of the hand with wrist in flexion, or direct blow to dorsum of hand/wrist Wrist pain Differential Diagnosis Distal radius fractures.